When WDCX/WDCZ/WDCX-AM has a full-time employment opportunity we want somewhere to turn for help in finding just the right person for the job. That’s why we’re always looking for organizations to distribute information about employment opportunities to job applicants or have job applicants to refer. If you’re part of an organization that would like to receive notification of our full-time job vacancies – please contact Paulette Peterson at 716-883-3010 or send an email to info@wdcxradio.com – with the name of your organization, address, and phone number. WDCX/WDCZ/WDCX-AM is an equal opportunity employer.
For more information please call: (716) 883-3010
WDCX is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages minorities and females to apply.
Annual EEO Report – WDCX-FM – 2023-2024