Open Modal

How often do we hear the phrase “it’s not about you?” While definitely well intended, that comment when applied categorically to our whole life, could be very dangerous.
See, sometimes it is all about YOU (or ME). Let me explain: you’ve been told your whole life that “it’s not about you, it’s not about you” then you start to believe that nothing is about you, including your responsibility for your own circumstances. Then we have trouble getting along with people, but hey it’s their fault, because it’s not about me. We are miserable at work and dislike coworkers, but it’s not about me, so it must be them.
Well, sometimes it is about you. Sometimes you need to take action to fix YOU and pray: “create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in ME.” See, that’s about YOU and ME.  It’s first person. It doesn’t say create in THEM a clean heart; it is YOU that needs the work of God.
So when you feel like nobody likes you, when you feel like everybody is coming against you or things just aren’t going your way, look inwardly first; because sometimes it is all about you. You need to ask God for contentment, or patience with others, or for a straight-up reality check. Sometimes (in fact often times) it is all about YOU (and ME) and we are the ones that need fixing, not everyone else. Pray to that end, ask God to give you a new heart for people, a new spirit of contentment and kindness…and watch your outlook begin to change, your relationships heal, and watch how God works in and through you.
