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One of the most powerful ad campaign themes ever was developed by the United Negro College Fund in the 1970’s. You might remember the phrase “your mind is a terrible thing to waste.” In fact, it became a common phrase throughout culture and is one of the best examples of thematic marketing phraseology that I’ve ever heard. It really got the point across though, didn’t it?  Of all things to waste, of all things to under-utilize, the mind is one of the most incredible gifts that we so often throw away.
As an over-reaction to some legalistic tendencies or perceptions of “rigidness” in the church during the late 20th century, modern Christians have swung the pendulum so they often lean on experiential consumerism to determine the foundation of their gospel faith. If you’re in Christian ministry of any sort, you know that most often people struggle with not feeling like they are growing, not feeling like God is near, no matter the issue, it often comes down to feeling and experience. Not that those are bad things, but feelings are by their very definition, the ups and downs of life. Likewise, experience, is by it’s very nature, doing something different and enjoying that situation with our senses. They are relational terms, feeling and experience, and are so important to our walk with God. But, they are horrible concepts to base our faith in…and they are not what God has said in His Word can lead us to life-change.
See, Romans 12 lays it out pretty clearly. God tells us through Paul’s pen that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. That our minds help us discern what God determines is right. That we are to have sober or balanced judgement and our minds help us determine how to use the gifts that God has bestowed on Christ’s church. Paul starts this entire chapter dealing with the mind FIRST! Then, on to gifts, and how and who to love, and how to rejoice and weep and do good unto others. It all, IT ALL starts in the renewing of the mind.
Renewing the mind can be interpretted to mean mental conformity to the truths of God. As we study and challenge our biblical understandings, transformation begins to occur and the heart, the very essence of ourself, is changed. Philippians 4:8 tells us to THINK about things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, for they are excellent and praise worthy…but the secret is to THINK about them. Colossians tells us to set our MINDS on things above. Even the one of the greatest Scriptures about our heart says, “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,” notice how the heart FOLLOWS, it doesn’t lead. So, the old adage “follow your heart” only works if you have set your mind on the right things so that your heart is looking through the proper lens. Your heart can lie to you, can be mistaken, can be misinformed. How many times have we heard the statement, “well their heart is in the right place.” Meaning…they are wrong, but they meant well! How many people in Nashville and Hollywood have followed their heart, ignored their mind, and failed miserably?  You see, the mind, how we think, what we know, is first in order. If we call ourselves Christian, but ignore the pursuit of God’s Word, we are left to shift with the wind and struggle. I leave you with a great and comforting passage written by the prophet Isaiah:
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee.” Don’t waste your mind.
