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Modern Christianity seems to place a great emphasis on God’s love. There is teaching everywhere and it is reinforced in the midst of an increasingly hostile culture toward Christianity. It is likely a natural response or defense in the wake of the narrow scope of the gospel of Jesus Christ, as we claim that there is one Triune God, one Savior, one Hope, and one way to God, through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. This rings offensive to so many in our post-modern and permissive culture. Therefore, as no one really enjoys being called narrow or or dogmatic in their theology, we begin to speak of God’s love, almost as an apology. Sort of saying… “yes, there is but one way…but, but, remember God is love.”
But, what sort of love do we speak of, when we say God is love? Do we mean an eros or philia type love…such as the Greeks understood? But, that love is more human to human and involves finite relationships. I wonder, when we speak of God’s love, if we really understand the scope of God’s apape, selfless, transcendent, love. See, God’s love is intertwined with the whole of His characteristics. His immutability (or unchangedness), His Aseity (or self -fulfillment), His Infiniteness…and also His moral characteristics like Justness, Righteousness, Mercy, Judgment, among others. It is incomplete to speak of God’s love as just some human idea that God is just like us. For, God is the very source of love and defines love in its wholeness and completeness, including all aspects of His love.
Philosopher, Plato, said that God (or gods) is incapable of love, for love (as defined by him) is needy and wanting. But, Plato understood an eros, selfish, kind of love. Along came Nygren, who said that all love is sourced in God as agape love and flows out of His Sovereign hand. Man is lost and incapable of loving God, unless God first reaches down and does a work in man. Well, ultimately, we see God’s love personified in Jesus Christ. Jesus, God in the flesh, died to atone for those who would put their faith in His gospel work. He is selfless-love personified. This love gives mankind an opportunity to be rescued from the darkness of sin. To those who would believe, God’s sacrifice atones for their sin and provides a true-Godlike-love relationship with the Almighty and Triune God. God’s love is just, it is holy, it is right, because it is sourced in Him. It is jealous, as He alone is worthy. Therefore, God’s love cannot help but punish sin and those who have not believed the gospel. Yet, He provides a way, that is His love personified in Jesus. Without acceptance of that love in Jesus, you, my friend, will face the righteousness and justice of God’s love by spending eternity without hope and in punishment for sin. God’s grace is love in Jesus, accept Him today.
