Open Modal

If you listened to Part 1 of our Solas series, you know that Scripture is God’s Revealed Word and it is completely true and reliable.
The Bible begins with a big letdown as Adam and Eve curse all creation with their sin. As a result, their sin would be passed on throughout all humanity. But, there is also a promise of God in Genesis 3:15…it’s called the protoevangelism, which is just a fancy word for the announcement of the gospel, which would be found in Jesus Christ. See, all of Scripture hinges on Jesus. The Old Testament begins God’s perfect plan for the world as we see His holiness revealed and man’s inability to keep His righteous law. Believers in the Old Testament cling closely to the hope of the Messiah. In the New Testament, the Messiah, the Savior, Jesus Christ, arrives. He is the perfect reconciler between God and man, as He is truly God and truly man joined in one person, this is called the Hypostatic Union. Jesus Christ lived a sinless life. He proved through signs, wonders, proclamation, and brilliant teaching, that He was God, the Second Person in the Trinity. He revealed His holiness to His disciples, especially Peter, James, and John. His deity, as God, makes Him the only perfect, spotless, sacrifice. His fully-man nature identifies Him with all mankind, which allows Him to take on our human sin. He gave Himself up as a willing sacrifice to pay for our sins AND to impute His righteousness on to us. This is called the double imputation, Jesus taking our sin and giving us His righteousness. Only Christ, ONLY JESUS, could do that for us. And finally, He defeated sin, He showed His power over sin by resurrecting on that third day.
It is only through Jesus that we have any hope as fallen mankind. We cannot do it on our own, we cannot impress or behave our way to God, we are broken. It is because of Christ alone, Solus Christus, that God gives grace, through faith in Christ, and we are then made righteous for His glory. That’s a teaser to stay to tuned Skopos for three more solas; grace, faith, and God’s glory.
