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“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
Psalm 37:4 can be so misunderstood if we read it through the lens of our self-advancing culture. Often, we see these words as a path to our own desires and dreams. It’s so easy to skip right past the first part of that verse and get to what we want. But, there is a whole verse there, a complete thought. If we look at the verse honestly, it seems as if the recipe for the desires of our heart coming true is dependent on delighting in the Lord. So, what does it mean to delight in the Lord?
A proper exegesis of the original text in context with the whole passage, reveals that there is a sense of two elements at work as we delight in the Lord. The first is that we enjoy the quiet presence of the Lord. It means to, as another Psalm says, “Be still, and know that he is God.” It is living in relationship with God. The second part of delighting in the Lord means that we are to pursue the virtue of faithfulness. It means that we need to be pursuing and loving what God loves. What or who does God love? He loves people and he is on mission to redeem mankind through the gospel.
You see, then, then, we begin to align our desires with God’s desires and we cannot help but be in tune with what God wants for our lives. So, as we begin to live in relationship with God through the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives, our desires will align with what HE knows we need and what HE knows will ultimately give us meaning, purpose, and delight. When we seek after intimacy with our Creator, our Savior, the desires of our heart begin to become meaningful desires that are in line with what we were created to do. We were created to worship and we worship God best when we align ourselves with his mission for the world.
So, what’s the secret to happiness? Well, it’s really not a big secret. Seek after God, read his word, pray that he would align your heart with his and he will give you the desires of your heart…and you will experience joy, meaning, and purpose that is indescribable and freeing!
Begin Today!
