Open Modal

Our world seems to be spinning out of control. From ISIS and their brutal murders, to our political divisiveness, to now, another police shooting of a young man bringing chaos to our city streets. It sure seems as if evil is winning. Yet, we know, as Christians that God’s Word says that in the last days, before Jesus returns, the world is going to get worse and worse. As Satan continues to confuse, disrupt, and ultimately destroy, he is using people to carry out his dirty work. So, Christian friends, we shouldn’t be surprised when life gets messy and tragedy is all around us. Romans 7 tell us that God is righteous and he is not the author of sin, his righteousness simply makes us aware of our sin and gives us contrast. 
So then, you might ask, how in the world are we supposed to answer or respond to all of this madness, especially as racial tensions rise? Here’s what I think.
As Christians, we grieve the loss of any human life. All humanity is made in the image of God and since Genesis when God called “where are you” to Adam and Eve after they sinned, God has been on a redemption mission for mankind. While we grieve all loss, even criminals or any human life, due to evil in our world, we must be careful not to let our grief push us to pre-judgement. See, we should even grieve the loss of a mass murderer to the death penalty, nevertheless, it is a just punishment because government has delivered it. Regarding police brutality, we grieve the loss, but we need to be careful to pass judgement until those whom God has ordained (government) investigates and does their job, which they will. Then, after they uncover all the facts, we will know how to speak to injustice (or not). If we disagree, as Christians, then we can speak out and debate the verdict. In our country, we even have the ability to fire politicians who appoint DA’s and Police Commissioners. No matter the opinion, however, we must keep the gospel, and a constructive spirit of love, as the guiding principle. So, dear Christian friend, mourn the loss first, but be careful not to assign guilt or innocence until due course has taken place. That is my position, and I think that should be all of ours, as Christians.
No matter the chaos of this world, ultimately, we wait for the ONE who will make all things right, Jesus Christ! Only he can bring true justice and stomp out evil.
-Brett Larson
