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I grew up listening to and singing Southern Gospel music. One song that most people probably remember is “Just a little talk with Jesus”…makes it right. So many of those old Southern Gospel songs were uplifting and positive. They just have a way of brightening the worst days.
We could all benefit from a little talk with God on a daily basis. So often we wander around the wilderness of life, complaining about our circumstance, how we can’t seem to find our way, and how we feel like we can’t see light through the dense forest of life…when all along we have the incredible map of the Bible and compass of prayer right in our backpack.
As I look at God’s Word, prayer really does two things. First, prayer really can move God and convince him to act or change his mind. We can see how in 2 Samuel God withheld a plague on Israel because of David’s prayers. And, James 5 tells us that the prayers of the righteous can accomplish great things. Yet, in I John the Bible tells us that our prayer simply aligns us with God’s will. So, do our prayers change God or us…the answer is likely beyond our human comprehension as God’s Word also tells that we cannot comprehend the complexity of the mind of God. The second principle of what prayer does might help us even more. See, the Bible tells us in Romans 8 that even when we don’t know what to say to God or how to express it, that the Holy Spirit is the great multiplier and megaphone to God the Father for us. The Holy Spirit speaks on our behalf in ways that we cannot even fathom and realigns our simple prayers into prayers that fit the will of God.
I know, it all seems very complex. But, here’s the beauty…we don’t need to know how it all fits together. In fact, the idea that we don’t really know is even more confirming that our God is amazing and magnificent. What we do know is that God uses our prayer, that we grow from our prayer, and that whether it’s God moving toward us or us moving toward God, prayer changes and works. The more we seek the heart of God through his word, the Bible, and the more we humble ourselves to align with him, the more God uses our prayers to allow us to see through the thick underbrush of the forest of our lives and we begin to rest in his loving care. Our perspective changes, our days get better, and we allow God to guide us through and we don’t feel alone or unsure.
Commit to reading your map, the Bible, and following your compass, through prayer, and watch the life change happen. Prayer is not a last resort; it is our first tool for success.
