Open Modal

I’ve been holding my tongue (keyboard) lately. I have seen several bloggers and so-called internet-theologians (save that for another day) write about the recent happenings regarding ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
Quite frankly, some of what has been written in the name of “a Christian response” really bothers me. I really have a hard time even writing about how much it bothers me without a whole smorgasbord of frustration coming out at once. In an effort to keep this brief, I’ll only come at this from two points. First, the theological:
In recent months, too many have posted pseudo high-minded articles about how we are supposed to “love our enemies”, “not seek vengeance”, “love as Jesus loved” and a whole host of misplaced anecdotal themes. The article would go something like: it’s easy for us to hope for vengeance and be angry, but as Christians, we are called to love our enemies… and on and on it goes.
I think the bible draws a clear difference between personal responsibility to “love our enemies” and governmental responsibility to enact justice (Romans 13:1-5). The two are very different.. On the personal side, “loving” your enemies, doesn’t mean you let them commit absolutely disgusting and despicable acts while something can be done about it. “Loving them” means that you grieve for their souls, but support removing them from this earth so that they can no longer rape, torture people, and kill babies; that justice sure does seem like a righteous act to me! All throughout the bible, God calls on governments as the arms of His justice. We need to be careful not to apply our personal Christian responsibility to what God has ordained as His method of justice here on earth.
Secondly, as mentioned above, I’m weary of the pseudo-theology that is permeating social media. If you’ve taken a few classes or self-studied and think you’ve got it all figured out, think again. 2,000 years of church history…and you’re the one that’s finally figured it out? Nope. (And, I’m not either). This topic could go on forever, so I’ll leave it at that for now.
The reality is the issue of military action, governments, terrorism, fighting back against terror, etc., is enormously complex…both from a governmental point of view and from a personal-biblical perspective. I find it odd that the very same Christians who always champion being relevant to culture, totally make themselves irrelevant by not showing righteous anger at horrible injustices. I guess maybe it comes from trying to be “edgy” by being anti-establishment or hipster, but to normal, everyday-people, it appears arrogant, removed, and unreal. How can any human being with a moral conscience not want justice to be brought upon ISIS?
Sometimes, I wish I’d never heard of Facebook… but, I guess iron sharpens iron.
Finally, if you’re reading this and you don’t call yourself a Christian (Christ-follower), I’m sorry you had to sit in on a family debate. However, know that Jesus loves you, we love you and the one thing we all agree on…is that God wants to know you through His son, Jesus. Email WDCX for more info…
