Open Modal

Each Christmas I grow increasingly perplexed at the irony of the way in which the whole world celebrates Christmas. As I drive down streets and see lights everywhere and go to Christmas plays, I can’t help but think…why? Why is this season (we call it Advent) so important to everyone?
I mean every holiday has a purpose. Memorial Day, Veterans Day, THANKSgiving, it’s all pretty straight-forward. But, then there’s Christmas…CHRISTmas. What’s it all about…I mean, Why?  Ask the everyday shopper on the street and you might get a different answer for each person. Not very straightforward anymore, is it? And, some might say it’s a Christian holiday where they celebrate Jesus. Wait who? Jesus Christ?
Oh, you mean CHRISTmas is about the birth of Christ? Most would say, well yes it started out that way. OK, so who was this Christ?  Many would say a good man, a prophet, proclaimer of love, etc. But, let’s break that down. Because He claimed to be God. He said you can’t have life without Him. He said that He is the ONLY way. The great theologian CS Lewis said that you have to admit that He’s either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord of all. So, if He’s not Lord to you, that means you celebrate a day based on someone you think is a liar, a scam-artists, or that He was crazy. Don’t you find that odd?
See the Bible says that Jesus always was, that He created all things, that He is God incarnate, that He is truly God and truly man, thus providing the only way to redeem His creation. John 1 says that the Word (Jesus) was at the beginning, that He was with God the Father, that He was God, and that He became flesh and dwelt among us to deliver grace.
Me, I celebrate that…that Jesus came to earth, dwelt among men, was sinless, died for our sins, and rose to defeat sin once for all. That when we grab onto His righteousness through faith, His grace saves us from eternal punishment and provides us with eternal life in absolute blissful-wonder with Him. See, that’s the straightforward Christmas message. It’s wonderful, it’s good-news, it’s salvation!
As our culture grows increasingly post-Christian, I guess I just really don’t get the whole Christmas thing without the wonderful truth of the gospel at the core. Otherwise, it’s just a day celebrating what?  I’m not even sure. I guess it becomes the only holiday without a point?
I pray it’s special to you.
