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“The Monuments Men” is a recent movie that tells the story of a special military unit of art experts who were commissioned with recovering the many masterpieces that Hitler had pillaged and had stolen from across Europe. It was a very fascinating movie, as it showed the value placed on these timeless pieces, even to the point of sacrificing one’s life.
Ephesians 2:4-10 tells us that we are God’s very own masterpieces. He has rescued us from living in the bondage of sin, from being spiritual slaves…full of doubt, disappointment, discouragement, lies, uncertainty, and so many other terrible things. I don’t know about you, but I find it so easy to forget that I am His masterpiece. Much like “The Monuments Men,” God treasures His masterpiece, His work of mercy and grace, His redeemed children, and He protects them with a strength that only He has. And, because we are His work of art, we don’t have to live like a crumpled up piece of paper, or something that’s incomplete, or thrown in the trash. We should live like a Masterpiece. Ever-seeking to please the divine artist who painted the beautiful picture of us, and of our lives.
If your feeling discouraged today, like you just can’t seem to get the Christian walk right or if you feel like you can’t please God, or you don’t know how…
Be encouraged, you are His masterpiece, He delights in you and me and no matter what, He will do anything to get us back into His presence. He enjoys you! So, today, live like that…live like a masterpiece, painted to please the God who has given you hope, life, and a forever-future with Him! What a privilege!
