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The news has spread far and wide that little Ben Sauer is “petting Lions” in heaven, as his little brother, Jack, puts it.
This morning, I told our boys that little Ben, whom we prayed for at every meal and every bedtime (and many other times) was now with Jesus. I wondered what questions they would have and if it would make them insecure about their own mortality. They took it as fact and wondered more about what animals he could pet and if bees could sting in heaven. Yup, bees, it’s been a frequent topic in our house.
I’ve experienced this several times with kids and dealing with earthly death. It’s very factual and in their hearts, there exist little doubt that Ben is in heaven and with Jesus. It seems this is what Jesus referred to when He talked about a “child-like” faith. (Matt 18:2-4).
How often we over-complicate and distort the simple truth. We try to add our human wisdom and reason to a miraculous God. We all prayed for a miracle here on earth, we desperately wanted Ben to recover, to miraculously beat cancer and we would be able to show the world who God is, what He can do. I caught myself thinking that at times, almost bargaining with the God of the universe that He should heal this little guy so that we can point to Him and show His goodness, even that He’s real, He loves. Then I’d catch myself, He’s God of the universe, the great I Am, the Beginning and the End; who am I to think that he needs to hit a home run in the bottom of the ninth to prove Himself. He’s God. His ways are higher than ours. Without faith, this would be a point of frustration, that God is in control and yet would let this happen. To me, it’s a point of comfort. I rest in the fact that He knows better, He has the big picture in view and He is sovereign. I take comfort, realizing He is not subject to mankind’s desires, but rather, has eternity- past, present and future, in mind. Who knows what Ben’s short life did in terms of Eternity? God knows. Ben is in the best place ever imaginable, perhaps being rewarded for helping more people enjoy paradise in God’s presence through his story.
When my brother died suddenly, I remember the sadness, but even more, I remember the sense of certainty it gave me about heaven. Eternity with our loving Creator became more real and a bit sweeter. And now, it has yet again… As time on earth passes, the more tragedy we face causes heaven to get sweeter as the days go by.
But, right now, we mourn the earthly end of a sweet little boy. We cry for the Sauer family and the pain that they have, and will, face. We give latitude and grace for them to question, to cry out, to have any range of emotion they need.
And, we rejoice with Ben. Amazingly, he’s the winner, he’s having the best time ever and in heaven’s time, it’ll take less than one day for all of his loved ones to join him! (2 Peter 3:8)
I Thessalonians 4:13
